
Pacific people make up a significant and growing proportion of New Zealand’s population.

The majority of Pacific people are now New Zealand born, predominantly young and highly urbanised. The Pacific population in New Zealand is highly diverse, made up of many different ethnicities. Many Pacific families have strong family ties and support.

However, many Pacific families also face high levels of unemployment, are in low-paid jobs, live within large extended families, have low home ownership and can experience difficulty accessing credit at reasonable interest rates. Understanding these characteristics provides an important context for analysing the social and economic position of Pacific people.

Reports and resources in this section explore a range of issues facing Pacific families in New Zealand – the changing Pacific household compositions, Pacific family wellbeing, debt, parenting, the influence and importance of Pacific cultural values and the resilience of Pacific families and youth.

Pacific families and problem debt

This research looks at how Pacific families manage their finances. The information can be used by government and providers as they design future initiatives with Pacific families.
Sat 24 Nov, 2012
Download Pacific families and problem debt (1.3 MB)
Being a Single Mum
Pacific Island mothers’ positive experiences of parenting

This Families Commission report looked at a social environment in which families have priority and can flourish, enabling more families to achieve the successful outcomes they aspire to.
Fri 4 Jun, 2010
Download Being a Single Mum (1.01 MB)
Living the Tokelauan Way in New Zealand
Teenagers’ perspectives on extended-family living

This study aimed to understand how Tokelauan youth feel about living in extended-family households, and to describe their experiences of extended-family living and their understanding of its impact on their health and wellbeing.
Tue 3 Nov, 2009
Download living-the-tokelauan-way.pdf (633.76 KB)
Changing Pacific Households

This publication comprises two reports – Changing Pacific household composition and wellbeing 1981–2006 and A qualitative snapshot of household composition, wellbeing, parenting and economic decision-making among Pacific families in Auckland, 2008.
Tue 3 Nov, 2009
Download changing-pacific-households.pdf (845.07 KB)
Pasifika Youth in South Auckland
Family, gangs, community, culture, leadership and the future

The aim of this study funded by the Families Commission was to interview Pasifika youth from the suburbs of Māngere and Ōtara – including those who were involved in gangs and those who had ne
Tue 3 Nov, 2009
Download pasifika-youth.pdf (594.93 KB)
Diverse Forms of Pacific Families
and their financial decision-making approaches

Understanding Pacific peoples in the context of their families is crucial to working successfully with Pacific families and communities. During the past five years, the researchers have undertaken various research studies and community engagement projects which led them to believe that there is a need for better understanding of the nature of Pacific families in New Zealand and their decision-making processes.
Sat 1 Sep, 2007
Download BS-diverse forms-of-pacific-families.pdf (803.36 KB)

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